



The highest possible corporate credit ratings in the Middle East are Aa3/AA/AA from Moody's, Fitch Ratings, and Standard & Poor's, respectively. We are committed to meeting market expectations in terms of openness, accountability, and corporate governance.

In addition to having our shareholders' consistent support as a foundation from which to fund and build our investments, we are concentrated on putting best practice commercial concepts into effect and the pursuit of reliable financial returns.

In 2009, we started the first Global Medium Term Note program, and we still have unhindered access to the global financial markets today. Also, we continue our long-standing connections with more than 120 domestic and foreign banks.


Al-Ibri investment LLC's financial results demonstrate its unwavering dedication to corporate governance, responsibility, and openness.

In conjunction with semi-annual investor conference calls, statements are made public.




The ECP program has received the following ratings from Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch: Prime-1, A-1+, and F1+. All three rating agencies' short-term issuer ratings for Al-Ibri Investment LLC are consistent with the ratings of the ECP program.

Notes under the ECP program shall be absolutely and irrevocably guaranteed by Al-Ibri Investment LLC. The program's issuance will always have complete matching dedicated liquidity support.

This statement does not constitute a solicitation to buy securities in the United States or anywhere else. Without first registering under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or in accordance with an exemption from such registration, either MDC - GMTN B.V. and Al-Ibri Investment LLC's (each, a "Issuer") securities cannot be offered or sold in the United States or to U.S. citizens. No Issuer has registered any of its securities under the Securities Act or plans to hold a public offering of securities in the United States, nor do they intend to do so.


The company's credit ratings by Moody's, Standard & Poor's, and Fitch in the categories of long-term credit (Aa2/AA/AA) and short-term credit (Prime-1/A-1+/F1+) correspondingly serve as a public indicator of the quality of its credit.

The ratings of Al-Ibri Investment LLC are a reflection of the quality of its holdings and the ongoing assistance provided by its lone shareholder, the Government of Abu Dhabi.


The Global Medium Term Note Program's Basic Prospectus and any supplements thereto to which this gatepost grants access are only for those who do not reside in the United States and are not physically present there.

These materials do not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities of MDC - GMTN B.V. or Al-Ibri Investment LLC Development Company PJC in the United States or in any other country where such an offer or solicitation is prohibited. Prospective users of these materials are urged to become familiar with and adhere to any applicable limitations.

It is prohibited to offer or sell securities of MDC - GMTN B.V. and Al-Ibri Investment LLC Development Company PJC (each, a "Issuer") in the United States or to U.S. citizens without first registering with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in accordance with the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), or by way of an exemption from such registration. No Issuer has registered any of its securities under the Securities Act or plans to hold a public offering of securities in the United States, nor do they intend to do so.